Partial Siding Replacement

Siding, Education

When it comes to replacing the siding on your house, did you know that it is not always necessary to do the whole house at once? The extent of a siding replacement project can vary depending on several factors, such as the condition of the existing siding, your budget, and your aesthetic preferences.  

We can help assess the condition of all the siding on your home.  If only a section of your siding is damaged, weathered, or in need of repair, you can opt for a partial siding replacement and do specific sides of the house, saving you money overall or allowing you to pace the project over multiple phases if desired.  A partial siding replacement could be a good option for you if one side of your house receives a lot of direct sun and the old siding is warping or buckling as a result.  On the other end of the weather spectrum, one side of your house might never get any direct sun and be showing signs of mold, mildew, or other problem-causers.  On the house pictured here (clad in older cedar siding), the side facing the sun showed a lot of buckling boards, resulting in the nails holding it to the house being pushed out.  The siding was literally starting to come away from this house.

To be clear, we don’t recommend doing a partial side, as the difference between old and new will be very obvious.  Also, partial replacement probably makes sense only if you are staying with the existing material on your home; i.e. we don’t recommend upgrading to fiber cement on part of a house that has existing vinyl siding.  (One exception to this could be changing from wood to fiber cement, as in the house pictured here, since fiber cement can mimic the look of wood very convincingly!)  And of course, if your siding is old, worn out, or significantly damaged all the way around, you may in fact need to replace all of your siding.  But this is not always the case. 

Cedar siding coming off the house

If it’s an option for your home, and you decide to replace only a portion of your siding, it’s important to consider how well the new siding will blend with the existing one. Matching the color, texture, and style of the new siding with the old can help maintain a cohesive look.  Fiber cement (often used to replace painted wood) comes in many colors, or can also be installed unpainted (as pictured here), allowing you an exact match to the other faces of your house with paint. Vinyl comes in so many colors that it is likely you can match what you have very closely.

New, unpainted fiber cement siding installation

If you think some of your siding is in need of replacement, but you have been putting off the project because doing the whole house feels too daunting, give us a call!  We can assess the condition of your existing siding, provide guidance on the best course of action, and help you make an informed choice based on your specific needs and budget.

This unpainted fiber cement siding will be painted to match the rest of the house’s red exterior color.  It’s going to look amazing with the new dark colored windows and front door!

No matter if you are replacing part or all of your house’s siding, it is always an opportunity to upgrade the appearance of your home, improve energy efficiency, and address any underlying issues.  Contact us, we are here to help!  Give Angela, our office manager, a call at (978) 654-0275 to set up a consultation. 

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