Exterior remodeling: you have choices.

Education, Doors, Featured, Siding, Videos, Windows

Exterior remodeling choices video image

When it comes to an exterior remodeling project for your home, you may not be aware of just how many choices are available to you. There are several materials, styles, and price points for windows, doors, and siding.  There are also many salespeople out there who will be happy to offer you an extremely limited set of options to ‘make it easier’ for you.  We feel that you should have as many options as is reasonable to choose from for your project. We also believe that it is our job educate and give you knowledgable advice to help you decide what may be best for your house, style, and budget.

YouTube video

Project Process: Beginning to End Window and Slider Replacement

Project Process: Beginning to End Window and Slider Replacement

You may be wondering how much impact your exterior improvement project will have on your home. In this video, we show you an overview of the project process, from beginning to end, of a window and sliding door replacement project so you can see exactly what steps we take to protect your home and limit disruption while we are working there.

Project Process: Beginning to End Window and Slider Replacement
Project Process: Beginning to End Window and Slider Replacement

You may be wondering how much impact your exterior improvement project will have on your home. In this video, we show you an overview of the project process, from beginning to end, of a window and sliding door replacement project so you can see exactly what steps we take to protect your home and limit disruption while we are working there.

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